Stars in the evolving night sky

Another stunning collaboration with filmmaker Kate Montgomery, featuring the night sky seen from Spruce Cove on the coast of Maine.

Photography by Kate Montgomery
Original Music by Kendall Perry

"Slip Your Mind" excerpt

I’m a moody star
But if you said glow 
I’d cut my soul into a million little pieces just to form constellations to light your way home

— Andrea Gibson

"Sunset", Timelapse Collaboration Pt. One

A three part collaborative series of timelapse photography captured by Kate Montgomery, in celebration of Earth Day 2020. In times of social distancing, we are getting creative and working together from across the country. All three videos are captured in Spruce Cove, on the coast of Maine, and myself, in the room where I grew up in Longmont, Colorado.

Here is Part One, Sunset.

Photography by Kate Montgomery
Original music written and performed by Kendall Perry.

"How Surely Gravity's Law"

How surely gravity’s law,
strong as an ocean current,
takes hold of the smallest thing
and pulls it toward the heart of the world.

Each thing—
each stone, blossom, child —
is held in place.
Only we, in our arrogance,
push out beyond what we each belong to
for some empty freedom.

If we surrendered
to earth’s intelligence
we could rise up rooted, like trees.

Instead we entangle ourselves
in knots of our own making
and struggle, lonely and confused.

So like children, we begin again
to learn from the things,
because they are in God’s heart;
they have never left him.

This is what the things can teach us:
to fall,
patiently to trust our heaviness.
Even a bird has to do that
before he can fly.

by Rainer Maria Rilke